Marilyn Minter “continued to push the envelope with a new body of work”(NY Times) this year, opening a show at the uptown Manhattan version of the LGDR Gallery in April. I’ve worked alongside Marilyn and her wonderful team since 2011’s Whitney Gala presentation of “Me (aka I’m Not Much, But I’m All I Think About).”

This year she presented a series of interior-projected sculptures in the form of water fountains throughout the gallery, a project I shot, edited, formatted and collaborated on the sound design.

I still remember the first time someone said, “There’s a Marilyn Minter on the phone for you” over a decade ago. I was a bit star struck.
I still am.

Musée Magazine called the fountains:
… a standout piece, an ingenious, interactive, and functional multimedia sculpture that fuses immersive experience with utility, transcending traditional artistic boundaries. The ethereal, cloud-like resin basins present a mesmerizing spectacle of lips, tongues, and pearls in a motion dance, enrapturing the audience with their hypnotic allure. This extraordinary creation embodies Minter’s prowess in harmoniously merging various artistic mediums, pushing the limits of conventional art forms, and prompting viewers to explore fresh perspectives on sensuality.”

And from Whitehot: “The water fountains help you contemplate the seductive video loop imagery reflected in the top surfaces of these water fountains. These struck me as being innovative, well designed, not gimmicky but cool - while still making for a serious exhibition.”

And a handful from the archives…